Sunday, 29 July 2007


Hello and welcome to anti aging and health

My name is Sven and I live in Ninove, a city in Belgium. I study chemistry at the university of Ghent. I’m 18 years old and very interested in life extension and health. On this moment I have already spend 1 year studying this subject. I’m a member of Imminst (Immortality Institute). To extend my lifespan I take supplements and practise caloric restriction (calorie restriction). For supplements I take 20 pills a day, two kinds of powder and one kind of droplets. These supplements include vitamins, minerals and some other chemicals such as lipoic acid, resveratrol, N-acetylcycteine, carnosine,…
I will discuss these things in my posts.

What is the purpose of this blog? Well, I want to make a journey witch you to explore life extension. I will do this in parts. Every post will discuss one subject. You can off course respond to these posts. I will do this in a systematic way. This means that to fully understand a post you have to read the posts before it.

I hope that you learn a lot and begin to live a healthier, happier and longer life.


Anonymous said...

I am intrested in starting with caloric restriction and I too live in the surroundings of Ninove. Do you know of a local dietist who may help me in selecting my daily meals? I would prefer to consume them via plain (cheap) meal bars and limit the amount of meals to 1 a day. (ps text written in english because I do not want to keep my conversation a private occasion)

Sven said...

Nice to see someone from my neighbourhood here.
I don’t go to a dietist and I don’t think that many people from the calorie restriction society go to one. I think that you don’t need one. What you should do is first go to your physician and ask for blood tests. The following tests are needed: CRP, glucose, insulin, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine, ALT, AST, albumin, AP, bilirubin, total protein, LDL, HDL, total cholesterol, triglycerides, Complete Blood Cell count (red blood cells, MCV, MCH, MCHC, white blood cells, lymfocyten, segmenten, eosinofielen, monocyten, basophile, trombocyten), IGF-1, gamma-GT 19, alkalische fosfatase, CK, amylase, FT4, iron, total ironbound, ferritin, urea, haematocrit, T3, TSH, inorganic phosphate, HbA1c, homocystein and globulin. You should let yourself tested ones or twice a year. The second time you don’t need to do all the tests that I mentioned above.
In February (no date set yet) I will give a presentation about food and health (I will speak about CR too) in the pingie in Welle ( If you need advise you can always add me to msn: svenbulterijs[at]